Rough hewn men's ring in sterling silver with engraving-"This too shall pass"
This ring is inspired by rough stone. We make it to order in your size by first carving it in wax and then using the lost wax casting method to cast the ring in sterling silver.
The ring is approximately 8mm wide, 2mm thick at the middle of the band and weighs approximately 8.5 grams. Each one is made to order, so the dimensions can vary slightly.
We then engrave a phrase on the inside of the band (ie: 'This too shall pass").
You can let us know if you would like a different phrase engraved in the 'Message to Seller".
"This too shall pass."
The phrase comes from the fable of a powerful king who asks his wise men to create a magic ring that will make him happy when he is sad, and vice versa. After deliberation the wise men create a simple ring with the words "This too shall pass" etched on it.
The phrase is a reminder that all things are temporary, and whether conditions are positive or negative, they will end.
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