Back in the studio!

Wow,has it ever been hot!

Since our trip we’ve been spending a lot of time in the studio,replenishing stock and sending more pieces to our new stockists from our big trip (yay!)

The lines we’ve been spending the most time working on would be our Plant a Tree series and our Lost and Found Rings. Here are some photos:

The first two photos are of our soon-to-be-released Plant a Tree pieces,featuring deciduous trees! The tree pieces are not yet finished…there is still some clean-up to be done. When finished,these will be necklaces and rings.

The last two photos feature our most recent collection of rings (to be sent off to Glitz Gallery in Winnipeg and to another store in Vancouver).

New Slashpiles Necklaces

We have a new version of our Slashpile Necklace! It uses slightly smaller square wire to represent the ‘sticks’in the piles and smaller stones. We are now using only ‘rescued’stones in our slashpile pieces. These stones were taken from gold and silver jewellery that was melted down-we rescued the stones from these pieces,just in the nick of time!

Check out our Etsy listings to see more:

Injury Series Re-design!