We will be participating in the annual Rosedale Fall Art Festival!

Rosedale Fall Festival
Where: Rosedale Presbyterian Church, 129 Mount Pleasant Rd
When: October 21 - 23
, 2011

We were featured in 24 Hours, a Toronto daily newspaperon June 1, 2011! We are so excited about this article. If you missed the print version, check out our media section to see it online!

Check out our BRAND NEW Blog!! We're still working on the details, but you can get a sneak-peak into what we have planned this summer!


What's your vice?

We were interviewed for an article on an online news website called Examiner.com. Check it out here!

- Click here to see more of our upcoming craft shows and sales!

- We've been updating our Etsy Shop! Check it out!

- Sign up to our mailing list to receive monthly updates on our upcoming shows, events, sales and special offers!

- Follow us on Twitter!

- Support us by becoming a fan of Slashpile Designs on Facebook!



Past Events


Class Projects, by Absolute Sellout, Opening September 10th 2010

Where: Partners & Spade Gallery, 40 Great Jones St, New York City

We collaborated on the jewelry in this exhibition with graphic designer, Josh Kaplan from Absolute Sellout. He gave us geometric illustrations that we interpreted into 3-D pieces using coloured concrete, brass, and sterling silver.

Class Projects is an exhibition that is featured at Partners & Spade Gallery, where it is part of a unique gallery/retail experience.

click here to see photos!

-Slashpile Designs is featured in the December Cineplex Magazine! Find us in the In Style section.

- Artisans Gift Fair at the Tranzac on December 19th was, as always, a great show!

Rosedale Art & Craft Sale, October 15, 16, 17, 2010

Where: Rosedale Presbyterian Church,
129 Mount Pleasant Rd,
Toronto, Ontario

Cabbagetown Art & Craft Sale, September 10, 11, 12, 2010

The Cabbagetown Festival celebrates on a closed Parliament St for several days, lawn sales sprout throughout the neighborhood, and the Tour of Homes and the Riverdale Farm Festival, among other events, attract thousands of visitors. The Art & Crafts Sale is right in the middle of the action, and the 160 artists in this carefully juried show have become one of the main draws.

Visit cabbagetownartandcrafts.org for more information.

The Toronto Fall Clothing Show September 24, 25, 26, 2010
With Freedom Clothing!

Click Here for more information.

Wychcraft Artisans Market, Saturday September 25, 2010

Experience a Fresh mix of Artisans every Saturday! The WychCraft Outdoor Market is a weekly, quality Art and Craft Show. We bring Toronto's Saturday shoppers live music, tasty treats, and an ever-changing mix of Artists, designers and Artisans offering distinct hand-crafted items.

Click Here for more information.

Haliburton Art & Craft Festival, July 23, 24, 25, 2010

We had a blast at the 46th annual Haliburton Art & Craft Festival, hosted by Rail's End Gallery.

Visit www.railsendgallery.com for more information.

Port Credit Art & Craft Festival, July 16-18, 2010

Artists from all over southern Ontario showcase a variety of media in the beautiful Waterfront setting of the Credit Village Marina.

Click Here for more information.

Periwinkle Bazaar, July 4, 2010

This Bazaar is held out front of Periwinkle store, in Bloor West Village. Up to 6 artists are showcased each weekend.

Where: 2137 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario M6S 1N2
When: 11:00am - 7:00pm

Click Here for more information.

- Windfall Ecology Festival, June 12-13, 2010

Where: Fairy Lake Park, Newmarket

- The Toronto Clothing Show, May 14-16, 2010 https://www.theclothingshow.com/

- On May 1, 2009, Slashpile Designs took part in The Heintzman House Boutique Show. Such great products all in a beautiful historic house!

- Slashpile Designs participated in The Green Living Show, April 23-25, 2010, as a part of the Freedom Clothing Collective Booth. Our booth-mates were great and we had tons of fun!

- We were present at the Speakeasy Spring Craft Show at the Gladstone Hotel on April 1.

- Slashpile Designs was featured as one of the Canadian Designers at the first ever Ad Ball!

Ad Ball: A Fashion Fetish, hosted by Ad Women of Toronto, will bring together over 500 of Canada’s most influential leaders, innovators and trendsetters for a swanky - and saucy - celebration of creativity and communications.

In support of Dress for Success Toronto and Ad Women’s mentorship programs, AdBall: A Fashion Fetish will take place on January 29, 2010 and is the closing event of Advertising Week 2010.

Below is a photo of our donation to the raffle!

- Could you find the Slashpile submissions to Whodunit? OCAD's annual mystery art sale?

If not, here they are--two winter illustrations in which the subjects are silver Slashpile Designs jewellery!

- We participated in The Artisans' Gift Fair from 12:00-6:00pm on December 20, 2009 at Tranzac (292 Brunswick Avenue, Toronto, Ontario).

- The 2 day holiday Portobello East Market took place on December 12 & 13 at The Burroughes Building (639 Queen St. W, at Bathurst). This exciting market had two floors of vendors with products to suit all handmade holiday needs!

- Art Market 2009 is now over, but was a great success! This event took place on December 5 & 6 at the Great Hall of 918 Bathurst: Culture, Arts, Media & Education Centre (918 Bathurst Street, 1 block north of Bloor).

- We took part in the SpeakEasy Holiday Sale at the Gladstone Hotel. It happened Thursday December 3, 2009 from 8:00pm until midnight.

- Slashpile Designs participated in the MAAD Christmas Sale December 1 - 3, 11am - 6pm, 100 McCaul St., front lobby. The Material Art and Design department at OCAD is had a Christmas sale of fine craft work made by its ceramics, jewelry and textiles students. 30% of profits went to support the OCAD the studios!

- Slashpile Designs celebrated our first anniversary by hosting a jewellery and craft sale.

The 319th day of the year show took place Sunday November 15, 2009 at Whippersnapper Gallery, 587A College Street, Toronto, Ontario.

The sale had a wide variety of super exciting products from 6 hand-picked vendors including Cindy Prints, Apa Design, Howard Studios, Ruthie's silk scarves, Kurukuru and Slashpile Designs! Click here to see the Facebook event!

The first 27 guests received a free loot bag. Thanks to all who came to celebrate with us! The show was a great success!

- We designed and created medals for the Fat Ass Trail Run! The runners crossed the finish line on Sunday, November 15 in Trenton, Ontario.

- On Sunday, October 25 and November 29, 2009 took part in the Portobello East Market. This event takes place on the last Sunday of every month in the Burroughes Building (639 Queen St. W at Bathurst) from 12:00 to 6:00pm.

- Slashpile Designs participated in Art of Fashion Trunk Show! This event showcased 20 of Canada's hottest new designers. It took place October 3, 2009 at The Fermenting Cellar in the Distillery District, 55 Mill St. Building 6 & 7.

- Slashpile Designs had a table at the Cabbagetown Art & Crafts Sale. The event took place September 11-13, 2009 in Riverdale Park. Thanks to all who came out!

- Slashpile Designs had a table at the Big on Bloor Street Festival. The festival took place Saturday June 20, 2009 between Christie and Lansdowne along Bloor St (Toronto).

- Are you a runner? Slashpile Designs designed and produced the finisher medals for the Toronto Women's 1/2 Marathon, which took place Sunday, May 31, 2009. You can check out the run at www.towomenshalf.com

Click here to see the medals!

We also had a booth at the finish line showcasing our designs and selling silver chains to add to the medals!

- Slashpile Designs had a booth at the Spring 2009 Clothing Show. The show took place May 1,2 and 3, 2009 at the Better Living Center, Exhibtion Place (Toronto).

- "Walk the Shore" WTA Tour of Art
at the Waterfront Trail Art Centre (2979 Lake Shore Blvd. West) on March 14th, 2009 from 10:00am to 5:00pm.

-The Annual Holiday Craft Sale at the Tranzac
Saturday, December 20, 2008 from 12-6pm

- Buy Yourself a Present for our Birthday!
On Sunday, November 9, 2008, we celebrated the launch of Slashpile Designs (and Tara & Courtney's birthday) with an afternoon of snacks, people and jewellery.

Thanks to all who came for making the event a success!

- Whodunit? OCAD's Mystery Art Sale



© Copyright All Rights reserved: All the designs shown here and all content on this page is the property of Slashpile Designs. The Slashpile logo and name are trademarks of Slashpile Designs. You may not copy, broadcast, download, store (in any medium), transmit, show or play in public, adapt or change in any way the content of this website for any other purpose whatsoever without the prior written permission of Slashpile Designs.