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Twin designers Tara and Courtney Neray have been creating jewellery since the age of two and a half. (Seriously!) Now with Slashpile Designs, they combine the product-oriented discipline of industrial design with the artistic quality of fine craft.Tara and Courtney are driven to create work of personal significance to the wearer. Drawing from an eclectic mix of experiences and interests, fused with a sense of humour and perceptive insight into human behaviour, they create pieces that are both meaningful to the wearer and pleasing to the eye.
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On 29, May 2012 | In | By slashpile

Plant a Tree

I love trees. Even after planting thousands of them every day for 4 months of the year, 4 years in a row. I love imagining my tiny seedlings growing big and strong, like the silhouettes in this ‘Plant a Tree’ collection.
To link directly to these items in our Etsy Shop, click here!

Sterling Silver:

Spruce Tree Necklace $55

Spruce Tree Earrings Earrings $60

Spruce Tree Cufflinks $125

Oak Tree Necklace $75

Oak Tree Earrings $120



Spruce Tree Necklace $35

Oak Tree Necklace $45