Phew! Happy New Year!

Phew, that holiday season was a whirlwind!
We hope everyone had wonderful festive celebrations with family and friends. Thank you for making our lead-up to Christmas, Chanukah, and the New Year so wonderfully busy! We hope everyone enjoyed their Slashpile-y gifts :)
In addition to filling orders and keeping the stores well-stocked, we also spent most of December moving our home and studio! It's been a long, but exciting process of packing, organizing, re-organizing, painting, etc. We're almost totally set up now, and are so looking forward to working away in the new space!

As we settle into 2017, we are making some changes to the structure of our business. The Courtney half of the Slashpile team is following her passion a little further into a specialized Technical Apparel Design program at the Wilson School of Design, Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Vancouver. She has already made some amazing pieces of outdoor gear, and looks forward to an exciting future in that industry. Slashpile has and always will be a collaboration between the two of us, but I, Tara, will be running the day-to day operations of the business on my own for now (well, with the help of Lemmy, the retired racing greyhound). Luckily as twins, we still speak almost everyday, so you will still see the fruits of Courtney's input and ideas in Slashpile jewellery pieces. New ventures will also bring in a new source of inspiration!
Here are just a few cool photos of her achievements so far in technical apparel!