Slashpile Designs Blog

Save 20% on all orders until the end of May! May 07 2014

We're celebrating the launch of our new website with a sale! Receive 20% off your entire order when you enter the coupon code 321BLASTOFF from now until the end of May!

If you're in Toronto and you're looking for a Mother's Day gift, e-mail us and we can set up a pick up this week!

Start shopping our current collections here!

Supporting local talent... July 08 2012

The other day I saw some little girls (aged between 3 and 6) outside their house with a table of jewellery they were selling for charity. I couldn't resist stopping to buy a piece. It reminded me so much of when Courtney and I were little. We used to set up countless lemonade, hot chocolate, raspberry jam and craft stands over the years (the jam was actually tiny containers of raspberries from our backyard that we had mashed up with a fork). All throughout elementary school we had a club with some of our friends called Crafts for Charity (Creative title, I know) in which we sold jewellery and other crafts and donated the money to Sick Kids Hospital and The Cancer Society. I was excited to support some kids in the neighbourhood now doing the same sort of thing!


Here are some pictures of the bracelet I chose for $2. I love it!


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