How much of a positive effect can personalized jewellery have? December 01 2011

    • There was about a week in October when we got a number of exciting custom molecule requests. We made an epinephrine molecule (adrenaline), an alcohol molecule with a pink oxygen atom, and a red wine molecule. We also made a rush order Oxygen molecule necklace for a customer at Freedom Clothing Collective.
      The necklace was a gift for someone suffering from cystic fibrosis who was having trouble breathing. It was given to her by a friend, who wanted to give her some positive vibes and healing energy.
      Two weeks after she received the necklace, she was doing better with oxygen intake and also got accepted for a transplant of a new pair of lungs. Forty-eight hours after the transplant, she was able to get up and walk, and she's doing really well now.
      Could it be that all the good will and positive energy (and wearing the oxygen molecule) really helped her get better? We are soo happy for them and so touched to be part of this story!
      Thanks to Freedom Clothing for connecting us! Is there someone you know who could use a little extra, positive and loving energy?

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